/ ˈsəʊləʊ; NAmE ˈsoʊloʊ/ adjective , noun
■ adjective [ only before noun ]
done by one person alone, without anyone helping them :
his first solo flight
a solo effort
connected with or played as a musical solo :
a solo artist (= for example a singer who sings on their own, not as part of a group)
a piece for solo violin
► solo adverb :
She wanted to fly solo across the Atlantic.
After three years with the band he decided to go solo .
■ noun ( pl. -os )
a piece of music, dance or entertainment performed by only one person :
a guitar solo
—compare duet
a flight in which the pilot flies alone without an instructor (= teacher)
late 17th cent. (as a musical term): from Italian , from Latin solus alone.