n. 1 lad, youth, young man, stripling, youngster, schoolboy, fellow, urchin, brat, Colloq kid, guy, small fry, little shaver There were two girls and five boys in my family 2 servant, house-servant, attendant; lackey, slave, Archaic knave, varlet, rogue, wretch, caitiff Here! Boy! Bring me another gin and tonic 3 old boy. Brit (public) schoolmate; friend, chum, pal, Archaic old bean, old egg, old crumpet, dear boy; crony I say, old boy, care for a rubber of bridge? Carruthers wouldn't be where he is now if it weren't for the old-boy network
Meaning of BOY in English
Oxford thesaurus English vocab. Английский словарь Оксфорд тезаурус. 2012