Meaning of CLASS in English

n. 1 rank, grade, level, order, stratum; caste, lineage, birth, pedigree, stock, extraction, descent He was born in the l940s into a family of the middle class 2 category, division, classification, group, genre, league, realm, domain; kind, sort, type As a dancer, she in a class by herself 3 excellence, merit, refinement, elegance, prestige, importance, taste, discernment, distinction, bearing, presence, savoir faire, savoir vivre, breeding He may be a good drinking companion, but he has no class whatsoever 4 year, form, US grade We were in the same class at school

v. 5 classify, group, arrange, assort, type, categorize, rank, grade, rate, order They are classed as self-employed for these purposes

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