Meaning of DISPUTE in English

v. 1 argue with or against, question, debate, challenge, impugn, gainsay, deny, oppose, fight (against), object to, take exception to, disagree with, contest, confute, quarrel with, doubt, raise doubts about, dissent (from) The council dispute his right to build a hotel on that land 2 argue (about), debate, discuss, quarrel about, wrangle over, differ (on or about) A bill of rights has occasionally been disputed in Parliament

n. 3 argument, debate, disagreement, difference (of opinion), controversy, polemic, conflict, quarrel, wrangle, velitation; discussion; Colloq Brit argy-bargy or argie-bargie or argle-bargle There is a dispute about the runner's eligibility for the race 4 conflict, disturbance, fight, altercation, row, disagreement, brawl, Donnybrook, feud, rumpus, fracas; strife, discord; tiff, velitation, US spat Four people have been injured in the dispute

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