v. 1 harm, injure, wound; damage, impair, mar, spoil, vitiate, ruin She's so gentle she wouldn't hurt a fly The scandal hurt the candidate's chances of election. 2 ache, smart, pain, pinch, sting, burn, torment, gripe My elbow really hurts where I hit it 3 distress, grieve, affect, afflict, aggrieve, depress, upset, disappoint, pain, cut to the quick, affront, offend Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me You always hurt the one you love. 4 injure, maim, wound, cripple, lame, disable, incapacitate, damage, mutilate, mangle Three people have been badly hurt in a car crash on the motorway
n. 5 harm, injury, damage, detriment, disadvantage How much more hurt can you cause beyond what you have done already? 6 ache, pain, pang, distress, discomfort, suffering, torment, torture, agony; anguish, misery, woe, dolour, sadness, depression If you rub on this ointment, the hurt will go away You cannot imagine the hurt we felt when he failed his examinations.
adj. 7 injured, wronged, pained, rueful, grieved, unhappy, aggrieved, sad, wretched, woebegone, sorrowful, mournful, depressed, dejected, dismal, gloomy, melancholy Whenever I mention getting a job she gets that hurt expression on her face 8 damaged, defective, marred, impaired, broken, worn, dilapidated, shop-worn, scratched, bruised, scarred They are holding a sale of hurt merchandise at the warehouse tomorrow