v. 1 imitate, ape, copy, simulate, mirror, echo The image in the mirror mimicked every move I made 2 reproduce, duplicate, copy This frieze mimics one on the Parthenon 3 mock, ridicule, satirize, caricature, parody, make fun of, lampoon, impersonate, Colloq take off It is rude to mimic your elders
n. 4 impersonator, imitator, impressionist, caricaturist, parodist, Colloq copycat Professor Eidolon, the greatest mimic in the world, is here to entertain you!
adj. 5 imitative, imitation, mock, simulated, mimetic, sham, make-believe, pretend(ed); fake, counterfeit, feigned Naumachia is the name given to the mimic sea battle staged in ancient Rome