adj. 1 resigned, submissive, stoical, long-suffering, compliant, acquiescent, passive, self-possessed, philosophical, serene, unaggressive The staff who handle complaints must be extremely patient 2 diligent, dogged, tenacious, persistent, assiduous, sedulous, steadfast, staunch, perseverant, unwavering, unswerving, constant, unfaltering, unfailing, untiring, tireless, indefatigable, pertinacious, determined, resolved, resolute, firm, unyielding Be patient, and don't do anything rash 3 forbearing, tolerant, forgiving, lenient, accommodating We have been patient long enough and must now put a stop to the vandalism
n. 4 invalid, sufferer, case, valetudinarian Doctors were called in to treat patients who developed the symptoms