n. 1 blow, breath, wind, whiff, draught, gust, blast, huff A slight puff through the open window stirred the curtains 2 draught, draw, pull, Colloq drag She took a puff from her cigarette and blew the smoke in his face 3 advertisement, praise, mention, word, item, review, notice, publicity, puffery, Colloq plug, blurb, Slang hype The late editions of the papers carry puffs for your new restaurant
v. 4 blow, breathe, huff, pant, gasp, wheeze Victor came huffing and puffing up to the finishing line 5 draw, pull (at or on), inhale, suck, smoke, Colloq drag Holmes was puffing silently on his pipe 6 Usually, puff up or out. inflate, distend, bloat, swell (up or out), stretch, balloon, expand, pump up, enlarge Calvin swaggered in, all puffed up with pride about his new job 7 publicize, advertise, promote, push, trumpet, ballyhoo, extol, commend, praise, Colloq plug, beat the drum (for) He has been shamelessly puffing his book on every radio and TV show