Meaning of ROBE in English

n. 1 cloak, dress, garment, vestment, habit, frock, cassock, caftan, muu-muu, surplice, bathrobe, dressing-gown, lounging robe, housecoat, kimono, house-dress, peignoir, wrapper, French robe de chambre, costume A woman wearing a green robe came to the door and asked what I wanted 2 robes. costume, habit, uniform, garb, attire, vestments, apparel, raiment, livery, clothing, garments, outfit, accoutrements or US also accouterments, regalia, finery, trappings, panoply, gear, paraphernalia, appurtenances, equipage, rig, Archaic vesture She looked absolutely splendid decked out in the full robes of state

v. 3 cloak, garb, dress, cover, enrobe, clothe The dish consists of ladyfingers topped with fresh strawberries robed in chocolate, with whipped cream spread over the top

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