Meaning of STORY in English

n. 1 narrative, tale, recounting, anecdote, yarn; account, recital, chronicle, record, history; legend, myth, fairy tale or story, romance, gest or geste, fable, fabliau; epic, saga, Edda; joke, Colloq gag; mystery, detective story, whodunit, thriller; horror story; allegory, parable; piece, article In olden days, the historians were the story tellers George really knows how to tell a story. Have any of your stories been published? 2 contention, testimony, assertion, version, statement, representation, allegation That's his story and he's sticking to it 3 fib, confabulation, (white or black) lie, alibi, excuse, untruth, falsehood; tall tale, fishing or fish story He told us some story about having sailed round the world single-handed in a dinghy Did you believe her story about being of royal blood? 4 article, item, report, dispatch, news, tidings, release, information, copy, feature; scoop, exclusive A story about China appears on page two 5 story-line, plot, scenario, (plot) outline, summary, book The story needs some revision before the dialogue can be rewritten 6 biography, curriculum vitae, life (story); facts, experiences, adventures, fortunes His story is going to be made into a film

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