Meaning of TABOO in English

adj. 1 tabu, anathema, forbidden, interdicted, off limits, out of bounds, verboten, proscribed, banned, prohibited, restricted, unmentionable, unspeakable; censored, censorable, unacceptable, rude, impolite, indecorous, dirty, explicit; outlawed, illegal, illicit, unlawful Our holiday in Benidorm is a taboo subject in my house Many people dislike hearing taboo language used on radio or television.

n. 2 tabu, anathema, interdict, interdiction, proscription, ban, prohibition, restriction There is still a strict taboo against mentioning bodily functions in public

v. 3 tabu, forbid, interdict, proscribe, ban, prohibit The hotel taboos the sharing of a room by unmarried couples

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