adj. 1 erect, perpendicular, vertical, on end, straight up and down, plumb, stand-up, standing up, Brit upstanding Few upright columns of the Greek temple remained 2 moral, principled, high-minded, ethical, virtuous, upstanding, straight, righteous, straightforward, honourable, honest, just, trustworthy, unimpeachable, uncorrupt(ed), incorruptible, decent, good David had long been an upright member of the church council
n. 3 post, pole, column, vertical, perpendicular We need another upright to support the floor over here
adv. 4 perpendicularly, vertically, upward(s), straight up (and down) The javelin was sticking upright out of the ground 5 right side up Miraculously, the platter with the roast on it landed upright on the floor