adj. 1 spacious, roomy, ample, extensive, broad The road is wide enough for two cars to pass If the book is set in wider type, it will have more pages. 2 broad, extensive, comprehensive, encyclopedic or encyclopaedic, inclusive, far-reaching, wide-ranging, widespread He has wide interests, from music to archaeology to sport 3 extreme, considerable, substantial, sizeable, major, big, large; widespread There have been wide fluctuations in market prices 4 wide of the mark. off the mark, astray, deviant, deviating, off (the) target, not on target, inappropriate Forecasts from analysts were based on erroneous assumptions and proved to be very wide of the mark
adv. 5 astray, afield, wide of the mark, off the mark, off (the) target, to one side He took careless aim and the shot went wide 6 all the way, as much as possible, fully, completely, to the utmost The dentist said, 'Open wide' When I heard the drill, I was suddenly wide awake.