v. & n.
1. intr. make an earnest or formal request; plead (appealed for calm; appealed to us not to leave).
2 intr. (usu. foll. by to) be attractive or of interest; be pleasing.
3 intr. (foll. by to) resort to or cite for support.
4 Law a intr. (often foll. by to) apply (to a higher court) for a reconsideration of the decision of a lower court. b tr. refer to a higher court to review (a case). c intr. (foll. by against) apply to a higher court to reconsider (a verdict or sentence).
5 intr. Cricket call on the umpire for a decision on whether a batsman is out.
1. the act or an instance of appealing.
2 a formal or urgent request for public support, esp. financial, for a cause.
3 Law the referral of a case to a higher court.
4 attractiveness; appealing quality (sex appeal).
appealer n.
Etymology: ME f. OF apel, apeler f. L appellare to address