Meaning of BUTTER in English

n. & v.


1. a a pale yellow edible fatty substance made by churning cream and used as a spread or in cooking. b a substance of a similar consistency or appearance (peanut butter).

2 excessive flattery.

--v.tr. spread, cook, or serve with butter (butter the bread; buttered carrots).

Phrases and idioms:

butter-and-eggs any of several plants having two shades of yellow in the flower, e.g. toadflax. butter-bean

1. the flat, dried, white lima bean.

2 a yellow-podded bean. butter-cream (or -icing) a mixture of butter, icing sugar, etc. used as a filling or a topping for a cake. butter-fingers colloq. a clumsy person prone to drop things. butter-knife a blunt knife used for cutting butter at table. butter muslin a thin, loosely-woven cloth with a fine mesh, orig. for wrapping butter.


1. a N. American tree, Juglans cinerea.

2 the oily nut of this tree. butter up colloq. flatter excessively. look as if butter wouldn't melt in one's mouth seem demure or innocent, probably deceptively.

Etymology: OE butere f. L butyrum f. Gk bouturon

Oxford English vocab.      Оксфордский английский словарь.