1. n. & v.
1. money in coins or notes, as distinct from cheques or orders.
2 (also cash down) money paid as full payment at the time of purchase, as distinct from credit.
3 colloq. wealth.
--v.tr. give or obtain cash for (a note, cheque, etc.).
Phrases and idioms:
cash and carry
1. a system of wholesaling in which goods are paid for in cash and taken away by the purchaser.
2 a store where this system operates. cash-book a book in which receipts and payments of cash are recorded. cash crop a crop produced for sale, not for use as food etc. cash desk a counter or compartment in a shop where goods are paid for. cash dispenser an automatic machine from which customers of a bank etc. may withdraw cash, esp. by using a cashcard. cash flow the movement of money into and out of a business, as a measure of profitability, or as affecting liquidity. cash in 1 obtain cash for.
2 colloq. (usu. foll. by on) profit (from); take advantage (of).
3 pay into a bank etc.
4 (in full cash in one's checks) colloq. die. cash on delivery a system of paying the carrier for goods when they are delivered. cash register a machine in a shop etc. with a drawer for money, recording the amount of each sale, totalling receipts, etc. cash up Brit. count and check cash takings at the end of a day's trading.
cashable adj. cashless adj.
Etymology: obs. F casse box or It. cassa f. L capsa CASE(2) 2. n. (pl. same) hist. any of various small coins of China or the E. Indies.
Etymology: ult. f. Port. ca(i)xa f. Tamil kasu f. Skr. karsha