Meaning of COCKLE in English

1. n.1 a any edible mollusc of the genus Cardium, having a chubby ribbed bivalve shell. b its shell.

2 (in full cockle-shell) a small shallow boat.

Phrases and idioms:

warm the cockles of one's heart make one contented; be satisfying.

Etymology: ME f. OF coquille shell ult. f. Gk kogkhulion f. kogkhe CONCH 2. n.1 any of various plants, esp. the pink-flowered corn-cockle, Agrostemma githago, growing among corn, esp. wheat.

2 a disease of wheat that turns the grains black.

Etymology: OE coccul, perh. ult. f. LL COCCUS 3. v. & n.


1. intr. pucker, wrinkle.

2 tr. cause to cockle.

--n. a pucker or wrinkle in paper, glass, etc.

Etymology: F coquiller blister (bread in cooking) f. coquille: see COCKLE(1)

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