adj., n., & v.
1. made up of various parts; blended.
2 (esp. of a synthetic building material) made up of recognizable constituents.
3 Archit. of the fifth classical order of architecture, consisting of elements of the Ionic and Corinthian orders.
4 Bot. of the plant family Compositae.
1. a thing made up of several parts or elements.
2 a synthetic building material.
3 Bot. any plant of the family Compositae, having a head of many small flowers forming one bloom, e.g. the daisy or the dandelion.
4 Polit. a resolution composed of two or more related resolutions. Polit. amalgamate (two or more similar resolutions).
compositely adv. compositeness n.
Etymology: F f. L compositus past part. of componere (as COM-, ponere posit- put)