n. & v.
1. advice, esp. formally given.
2 consultation, esp. to seek or give advice.
3 (pl. same) a barrister or other legal adviser; a body of these advising in a case.
4 a plan of action.
--v.tr. (counselled, counselling; US counseled, counseling)
1. (often foll. by to + infin.) advise (a person).
2 a give advice to (a person) on social or personal problems, esp. professionally. b assist or guide (a person) in resolving personal difficulties.
3 (often foll. by that) recommend (a course of action).
Phrases and idioms:
counsel of despair action to be taken when all else fails. counsel of perfection
1. advice that is ideal but not feasible.
2 advice guiding towards moral perfection. keep one's own counsel not confide in others. Queen's (or King's) Counsel Brit. a counsel to the Crown, taking precedence over other barristers. take counsel (usu. foll. by with) consult.
Etymology: ME f. OF c(o)unseil, conseiller f. L consilium consultation, advice