Meaning of DIGEST in English

v. & n.


1. assimilate (food) in the stomach and bowels.

2 understand and assimilate mentally.

3 Chem. treat (a substance) with heat, enzymes, or a solvent in order to decompose it, extract the essence, etc.

4 a reduce to a systematic or convenient form; classify; summarize. b think over; arrange in the mind.


1. a a methodical summary esp. of a body of laws. b (the Digest) the compendium of Roman law compiled in the reign of Justinian (6th c. AD).

2 a regular or occasional synopsis of current literature or news.


digester n. digestible adj. digestibility n.

Etymology: ME f. L digerere digest- distribute, dissolve, digest (as DI-(2), gerere carry)

Oxford English vocab.      Оксфордский английский словарь.