1. n. & v.
1. (usu. prec. by the) Brit. colloq. benefit claimable by the unemployed from the State.
2 a charitable distribution. b a charitable (esp. sparing, niggardly) gift of food, clothes, or money.
3 archaic one's lot or destiny.
--v.tr. (usu. foll. by out) deal out sparingly.
Phrases and idioms:
dole-bludger Austral. sl. one who allegedly prefers the dole to work. on the dole Brit. colloq. receiving State benefit for the unemployed.
Etymology: OE dal f. Gmc 2. n. poet. grief, woe; lamentation.
Etymology: ME f. OF do(e)l etc. f. pop.L dolus f. L dolere grieve