1. v.tr. (dubbed, dubbing)
1. make (a person) a knight by touching his shoulders with a sword.
2 give (a person) a name, nickname, or title (dubbed him a crank).
3 Brit. dress (an artificial fishing-fly).
4 smear (leather) with grease.
Etymology: OE f. AF duber, aduber, OF adober equip with armour, repair, of unkn. orig. 2. v.tr. (dubbed, dubbing)
1. provide (a film etc.) with an alternative soundtrack, esp. in a different language.
2 add (sound effects or music) to a film or a broadcast.
3 combine (soundtracks) into one.
4 transfer or make a copy of (a soundtrack).
Etymology: abbr. of DOUBLE 3. n. esp. US sl. an inexperienced or unskilful person.
Etymology: perh. f. DUB(1) in sense 'beat flat' 4. v.intr. (dubbed, dubbing) sl. (foll. by in, up) pay up; contribute money.
Etymology: 19th c.: orig. uncert.