n. & v.
1. a the woolly covering of a sheep or a similar animal. b the amount of wool sheared from a sheep at one time.
2 something resembling a fleece, esp.: a a woolly or rough head of hair. b a soft warm fabric with a pile, used for lining coats etc. c a white cloud, a blanket of snow, etc.
3 Heraldry a representation of a fleece suspended from a ring.
1. (often foll. by of) strip (a person) of money, valuables, etc.; swindle.
2 remove the fleece from (a sheep etc.); shear.
3 cover as if with a fleece (a sky fleeced with clouds).
Phrases and idioms:
fleece-picker Austral. & NZ FLEECY. Golden Fleece see GOLDEN.
fleeceable adj. fleeced adj. (also in comb.).
Etymology: OE fleos, fles f. WG