n. & v.
1. a the soft, esp. muscular, substance between the skin and bones of an animal or a human. b plumpness; fat (has put on flesh). c archaic meat, esp. excluding poultry, game, and offal.
2 the body as opposed to the mind or the soul, esp. considered as sinful.
3 the pulpy substance of a fruit or a plant.
4 a the visible surface of the human body with ref. to its colour or appearance. b (also flesh-colour) a yellowish pink colour.
5 animal or human life.
1. embody in flesh.
2 incite (a hound etc.) by the taste of blood.
3 initiate, esp. by aggressive or violent means, esp.: a use (a sword etc.) for the first time on flesh. b use (wit, the pen, etc.) for the first time. c inflame (a person) by the foretaste of success.
Phrases and idioms:
all flesh all human and animal creation. flesh and blood
1. the body or its substance.
2 humankind.
3 human nature, esp. as being fallible.
--adj. actually living, not imaginary or supernatural. flesh-fly (pl. -flies) any fly of the family Sarcophagidae that deposits eggs or larvae in dead flesh. flesh out make or become substantial. flesh side the side of a hide that adjoined the flesh. flesh tints flesh-colours as rendered by a painter. flesh-wound a wound not reaching a bone or a vital organ. in the flesh in bodily form, in person. lose (or put on) flesh grow thinner or fatter. make a person's flesh creep frighten or horrify a person, esp. with tales of the supernatural etc. one flesh (of two people) intimately united, esp. by virtue of marriage (Gen. 2:24). one's own flesh and blood near relatives; descendants. sins of the flesh unchastity. the way of all flesh experience common to all mankind.
fleshless adj.
Etymology: OE fl{aelig}sc f. Gmc