v. & n.
1. tr. (often absol.) estimate without calculation or measurement, or on the basis of inadequate data.
2 tr. (often foll. by that etc. + clause, or to + infin.) form a hypothesis or opinion about; conjecture; think likely (cannot guess how you did it; guess them to be Italian).
3 tr. conjecture or estimate correctly by guessing (you have to guess the weight).
4 intr. (foll. by at) make a conjecture about.
--n. an estimate or conjecture reached by guessing.
Phrases and idioms:
anybody's (or anyone's) guess something very vague or difficult to determine. I guess colloq. I think it likely; I suppose. keep a person guessing colloq. withhold information.
guessable adj. guesser n.
Etymology: ME gesse, of uncert. orig.: cf. OSw. gissa, MLG, MDu. gissen: f. the root of GET v.