1. v. & n.
--v. (hummed, humming)
1. intr. make a low steady continuous sound like that of a bee.
2 tr. (also absol.) sing (a wordless tune) with closed lips.
3 intr. utter a slight inarticulate sound.
4 intr. colloq. be in an active state (really made things hum).
5 intr. Brit. colloq. smell unpleasantly.
1. a humming sound.
2 an unwanted low-frequency noise caused by variation of electric current, usu. the alternating frequency of the mains, in an amplifier etc.
3 Brit. colloq. a bad smell.
Phrases and idioms:
hum and haw (or ha) hesitate, esp. in speaking.
hummable adj. hummer n.
Etymology: ME, imit. 2. int. expressing hesitation or dissent.
Etymology: imit.