v. & n.
1. tr. (often foll. by up, together) bring into disorder.
2 tr. bewilder, confuse.
3 tr. mismanage (an affair).
4 tr. US crush and mix (the ingredients for a drink).
5 intr. (often foll. by with) busy oneself in a confused and ineffective way.
1. disorder.
2 a muddled condition.
Phrases and idioms:
make a muddle of
1. bring into disorder.
2 bungle. muddle along (or on) progress in a haphazard way. muddle-headed stupid, confused. muddle-headedness stupidity; a confused state. muddle through succeed by perseverance rather than skill or efficiency. muddle up confuse (two or more things).
muddler n. muddlingly adv.
Etymology: perh. f. MDu. moddelen, frequent. of modden dabble in mud (as MUD)