adj. (nastier, nastiest)
1. a highly unpleasant (a nasty experience). b annoying; objectionable (the car has a nasty habit of breaking down).
2 difficult to negotiate; dangerous, serious (a nasty fence; a nasty question; a nasty illness).
3 (of a person or animal) ill-natured, ill-tempered, spiteful; violent, offensive (nasty to his mother; turns nasty when he's drunk).
4 (of the weather) foul, wet, stormy.
5 a disgustingly dirty, filthy. b unpalatable; disagreeable (nasty smell). c (of a wound) septic.
6 a obscene. b delighting in obscenity.
Phrases and idioms:
a nasty bit (or piece) of work colloq. an unpleasant or contemptible person. a nasty one
1. a rebuff; a snub.
2 an awkward question.
3 a disabling blow etc.
nastily adv. nastiness n.
Etymology: ME: orig. unkn.