n. & v.
1. a plan; a scheme.
2 a planned undertaking.
3 a usu. long-term task undertaken by a student to be submitted for assessment.
1. tr. plan or contrive (a course of action, scheme, etc.).
2 intr. protrude; jut out.
3 tr. throw; cast; impel (projected the stone into the water).
4 tr. extrapolate (results etc.) to a future time; forecast (I project that we shall produce two million next year).
5 tr. cause (light, shadow, images, etc.) to fall on a surface, screen, etc.
6 tr. cause (a sound, esp. the voice) to be heard at a distance.
7 tr. (often refl. or absol.) express or promote (oneself or a positive image) forcefully or effectively.
8 tr. Geom. a draw straight lines from a centre or parallel lines through every point of (a given figure) to produce a corresponding figure on a surface or a line by intersecting it. b draw (such lines). c produce (such a corresponding figure).
9 tr. make a projection of (the earth, sky, etc.).
10 tr. Psychol. a (also absol.) attribute (an emotion etc.) to an external object or person, esp. unconsciously. b (refl.) project (oneself) into another's feelings, the future, etc.
Etymology: ME f. L projectum neut. past part. of projicere (as PRO-(1), jacere throw)