1. v. & n.
1. intr. tremble or vibrate with a slight rapid motion, esp.: a (usu. foll. by with) as the result of emotion (quiver with anger). b (usu. foll. by in) as the result of air currents etc. (quiver in the breeze).
2 tr. (of a bird, esp. a skylark) make (its wings) quiver.
--n. a quivering motion or sound.
quiveringly adv. quivery adj.
Etymology: ME f. obs. quiver nimble: cf. QUAVER 2. n. a case for holding arrows.
Phrases and idioms:
have an arrow (or shaft) left in one's quiver not be resourceless.
Etymology: ME f. OF quivre f. WG (cf. OE cocor)