1. n. & v.
1. a slope or inclined plane, esp. for joining two levels of ground, floor, etc.
2 movable stairs for entering or leaving an aircraft.
3 an upward bend in a stair-rail.
4 Brit. a transverse ridge in a road to control the speed of vehicles.
1. tr. furnish or build with a ramp.
2 intr. a assume or be in a threatening posture. b (often foll. by about) storm, rage, rush. c Heraldry be rampant.
3 intr. Archit. (of a wall) ascend or descend to a different level.
Etymology: ME (as verb in heraldic sense) f. F rampe f. OF ramper creep, crawl 2. n. & v. Brit. sl.
--n. a swindle or racket, esp. one conducted by the levying of exorbitant prices.
1. intr. engage in a ramp.
2 tr. subject (a person etc.) to a ramp.
Etymology: 16th c.: orig. unkn.