1. adj. & adv.
1. no more or less than; mere, unqualified, absolute (sheer luck; sheer determination).
2 (of a cliff or ascent etc.) perpendicular; very steep.
3 (of a textile) very thin; diaphanous.
1. directly, outright.
2 perpendicularly.
sheerly adv. sheerness n.
Etymology: ME schere prob. f. dial. shire pure, clear f. OE scir f. Gmc 2. v. & n.
1. esp. Naut. swerve or change course.
2 (foll. by away, off) go away, esp. from a person or topic one dislikes or fears.
--n. Naut. a deviation from a course.
Etymology: perh. f. MLG scheren SHEAR v. 3. n. the upward slope of a ship's lines towards the bow and stern.
Etymology: prob. f. SHEAR n.