Meaning of SINCE in English

prep., conj., & adv.

--prep. throughout, or at a point in, the period between (a specified time, event, etc.) and the time present or being considered (must have happened since yesterday; has been going on since June; the greatest composer since Beethoven).


1. during or in the time after (what have you been doing since we met?; has not spoken since the dog died).

2 for the reason that, because; inasmuch as (since you are drunk I will drive you home).

3 (ellipt.) as being (a more useful, since better designed, tool).


1. from that time or event until now or the time being considered (have not seen them since; had been healthy ever since; has since been cut down).

2 ago (happened many years since).

Etymology: ME, reduced form of obs. sithence or f. dial. sin (f. sithen) f. OE siththon

Oxford English vocab.      Оксфордский английский словарь.