v. & n.
1. intr. relax the features into a pleased or kind or gently sceptical expression or a forced imitation of these, usu. with the lips parted and the corners of the mouth turned up.
2 tr. express by smiling (smiled their consent).
3 tr. give (a smile) of a specified kind (smiled a sardonic smile).
4 intr. (foll. by on, upon) adopt a favourable attitude towards; encourage (fortune smiled on me).
5 intr. have a bright or favourable aspect (the smiling countryside).
6 tr. (foll. by away) drive (a person's anger etc.) away (smiled their tears away).
7 intr. (foll. by at) a ridicule or show indifference to (smiled at my feeble attempts). b favour; smile on.
8 tr. (foll. by into, out of) bring (a person) into or out of a specified mood etc. by smiling (smiled them into agreement).
1. the act or an instance of smiling.
2 a smiling expression or aspect.
Phrases and idioms:
come up smiling colloq. recover from adversity and cheerfully face what is to come.
smileless adj. smiler n. smiley adj. smilingly adv.
Etymology: ME perh. f. Scand., rel. to SMIRK: cf. OHG smilenter