1. v. & n.
1. intr. (of a dog) make an angry growl with bared teeth.
2 intr. (of a person) speak cynically; make bad-tempered complaints or criticisms.
3 tr. (often foll. by out) a utter in a snarling tone. b express (discontent etc.) by snarling.
--n. the act or sound of snarling.
snarler n. snarlingly adv. snarly adj. (snarlier, snarliest).
Etymology: earlier snar f. (M)LG, MHG snarren 2. v. & n.
1. tr. (often foll. by up) twist; entangle; confuse and hamper the movement of (traffic etc.).
2 intr. (often foll. by up) become entangled, congested, or confused.
3 tr. adorn the exterior of (a narrow metal vessel) with raised work.
--n. a knot or tangle.
Phrases and idioms:
snarling iron an implement used for snarling metal. snarl-up colloq. a traffic jam; a muddle; a mistake.
Etymology: ME f. snare (n. & v.): sense 3 perh. f. noun in dial. sense 'knot in wood'