Meaning of SYMPATHY in English

n. (pl. -ies)

1. a the state of being simultaneously affected with the same feeling as another. b the capacity for this.

2 (often foll. by with) a the act of sharing or tendency to share (with a person etc.) in an emotion or sensation or condition of another person or thing. b (in sing. or pl.) compassion or commiseration; condolences.

3 (often foll. by for) a favourable attitude; approval.

4 (in sing. or pl.; often foll. by with) agreement (with a person etc.) in opinion or desire.

5 (attrib.) in support of another cause (sympathy strike).

Phrases and idioms:

in sympathy (often foll. by with)

1. having or showing or resulting from sympathy (with another).

2 by way of sympathetic action (working to rule in sympathy).

Etymology: L sympathia f. Gk sumpatheia (as SYN-, pathes f. pathos feeling)

Oxford English vocab.      Оксфордский английский словарь.