1. n. & v.
1. a piece of wood or metal etc. tapering to a sharp edge, that is driven between two objects or parts of an object to secure or separate them.
2 anything resembling a wedge (a wedge of cheese; troops formed a wedge).
3 a golf club with a wedge-shaped head.
4 a a wedge-shaped heel. b a shoe with this.
1. tighten, secure, or fasten by means of a wedge (wedged the door open).
2 force open or apart with a wedge.
3 (foll. by in, into) pack or thrust (a thing or oneself) tightly in or into.
Phrases and idioms:
thin end of the wedge colloq. an action or procedure of little importance in itself, but likely to lead to more serious developments. wedge-shaped
1. shaped like a solid wedge.
2 V-shaped.
wedgelike adj. wedgewise adv.
Etymology: OE wecg f. Gmc 2. v.tr. Pottery prepare (clay) for use by cutting, kneading, and throwing down.
Etymology: 17th c.: orig. uncert.