{v. phr.} 1. To pay the wages of. * /The men were paid off just before quitting time, the last day before the holiday./ 2. To pay and discharge from a job. * /When the building was completed he paid off the laborers./ 3. To hurt (someone) who has done wrong to you; get revenge on. * /When Bob tripped Dick, Dick paid Bob off by punching him in the nose./ Syn.: PAY BACK. 4. {informal} To bring a return; make profit. * /At first Mr. Harrison lost money on his investments, but finally one paid off./ 5. {informal} To prove successful, rewarding, or worthwhile. * /Ben's friendship with the old man who lived beside him paid off in pleasant hours and broadened interests./ * /John studied hard before the examination, and it paid off. He made an A./
Meaning of PAY OFF in English
Slang English vocab. Английский сленговый словарь. 2012