Meaning of FIN in English

noun a feather; a spline.

2. fin ·noun a blade of whalebone.

3. fin ·noun end; conclusion; object.

4. fin ·noun the hand.

5. fin ·vt to carve or cut up, as a chub.

6. fin ·noun a finlike appendage, as to submarine boats.

7. fin ·noun a mark or ridge left on a casting at the junction of the parts of a mold.

8. fin ·noun a membranous, finlike, swimming organ, as in pteropod and heteropod mollusks.

9. fin ·noun a finlike organ or attachment; a part of an object or product which protrudes like a fin.

10. fin ·noun the thin sheet of metal squeezed out between the collars of the rolls in the process of rolling.

11. fin ·add. ·noun a fixed stabilizing surface, usually vertical, similar in purpose to a bilge keel on a ship.

12. fin ·noun an organ of a fish, consisting of a membrane supported by rays, or little bony or cartilaginous ossicles, and serving to balance and propel it in the water.

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