Meaning of FRILL in English

vi a ruffing of a bird's feathers from cold.

2. frill ·vi a ruffled varex or fold on certain shells.

3. frill ·vi to shake or shiver as with cold; as, the hawk frills.

4. frill ·vi to wrinkle;

— said of the gelatin film.

5. frill ·vi a similar ruffle around the legs or other appendages of animals.

6. frill ·vt to provide or decorate with a frill or frills; to turn back. in crimped plaits; as, to frill a cap.

7. frill ·vi a border or edging secured at one edge and left free at the other, usually fluted or crimped like a very narrow flounce.

8. frill ·vi a ruffle, consisting of a fold of membrane, of hairs, or of feathers, around the neck of an animal.

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