Meaning of HOPPER in English

noun ·see grasshopper, 2.

2. hopper ·noun the larva of a cheese fly.

3. hopper ·noun one who, or that which, hops.

4. hopper ·noun a game. ·see hopscotch.

5. hopper ·noun ·see grasshopper, and frog hopper, grape hopper, leaf hopper, tree hopper, under frog, grape, leaf, and tree.

6. hopper ·noun a vessel for carrying waste, garbage, ·etc., out to sea, so constructed as to discharge its load by a mechanical contrivance;

— called also dumping scow.

7. hopper ·noun a chute, box, or receptacle, usually funnel-shaped with an opening at the lower part, for delivering or feeding any material, as to a machine; as, the wooden box with its trough through which grain passes into a mill by joining or shaking, or a funnel through which fuel passes into a furnace, or coal, ·etc., into a car.

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