Meaning of PURSE in English

vt to put into a purse.

2. purse ·noun in persia, the sum of 50 tomans.

3. purse ·noun in turkey, the sum of 500 piasters.

4. purse ·noun a specific sum of money.

5. purse ·vi to steal purses; to rob.

6. purse ·noun hence, a treasury; finances; as, the public purse.

7. purse ·noun a sum of money offered as a prize, or collected as a present; as, to win the purse; to make up a purse.

8. purse ·vt to draw up or contract into folds or wrinkles, like the mouth of a purse; to pucker; to knit.

9. purse ·noun a small bag or pouch, the opening of which is made to draw together closely, used to carry money in; by extension, any receptacle for money carried on the person; a wallet; a pocketbook; a portemonnaie.

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