Meaning of SANGUINE in English

noun blood color; red.

2. sanguine ·adj having the color of blood; red.

3. sanguine ·noun bloodstone.

4. sanguine ·adj warm; ardent; as, a sanguine temper.

5. sanguine ·noun anything of a blood-red color, as cloth.

6. sanguine ·noun red crayon. ·see the note under crayon, 1.

7. sanguine ·adj anticipating the best; not desponding; confident; full of hope; as, sanguine of success.

8. sanguine ·vt to stain with blood; to impart the color of blood to; to ensanguine.

9. sanguine ·adj characterized by abundance and active circulation of blood; as, a sanguine bodily temperament.

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