Meaning of SHED in English

impf & ·p.p. of shed.

2. shed ·noun a parting; a separation; a division.

3. shed ·vi to fall in drops; to pour.

4. shed ·add. ·noun a covered structure for housing aircraft; a hangar.

5. shed ·vt to separate; to divide.

6. shed ·noun that which parts, divides, or sheds;

— used in composition, as in watershed.

7. shed ·noun the act of shedding or spilling;

— used only in composition, as in bloodshed.

8. shed ·vi to let fall the parts, as seeds or fruit; to throw off a covering or envelope.

9. shed ·vt to divide, as the warp threads, so as to form a shed, or passageway, for the shuttle.

10. shed ·vt to cause to flow off without penetrating; as, a tight roof, or covering of oiled cloth, sheeds water.

11. shed ·vt to sprinkle; to intersperse; to cover.

12. shed ·noun a slight or temporary structure built to shade or shelter something; a structure usually open in front; an outbuilding; a hut; as, a wagon shed; a wood shed.

13. shed ·noun the passageway between the threads of the warp through which the shuttle is thrown, having a sloping top and bottom made by raising and lowering the alternate threads.

14. shed ·vt to let fall; to throw off, as a natural covering of hair, feathers, shell; to cast; as, fowls shed their feathers; serpents shed their skins; trees shed leaves.

15. shed ·vt to part with; to throw off or give forth from one's self; to emit; to diffuse; to cause to emanate or flow; to pour forth or out; to spill; as, the sun sheds light; she shed tears; the clouds shed rain.

Webster English vocab.      Английский словарь Webster.