I. əˈbȯr]d.iv, -ȯ(ə)], ]tiv, -ēv adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin abortivus, from abortus (past participle) + -ivus -ive
1. obsolete : prematurely born
2. : failing of purpose or effect : miscarrying, unsuccessful
an abortive enterprise
3. : imperfectly formed or developed : rudimentary
a. : abortifacient
b. : cutting short
abortive treatment of pneumonia
c. : failing to develop completely or typically
an abortive case of poliomyelitis
• abort·ive·ly -ə̇vlē, -li adverb
• abortiveness -ivnə̇s, -ēv-\ noun
II. noun
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin abortivus, adjective
: one that is abortive (as a bombing mission)