Etymology: Middle English, from past participle of agen
1. : that has grown older or become old:
(1) ˈājə̇d also ˈājd : having lived or existed long
aged men
an aged oak
(2) ˈājə̇d : belonging to or characteristic of old age
the aged wrinkles in my cheeks — Shakespeare
b. ˈājd : having lived : of or at the age of
a man aged 40 years
c. ˈājd : having attained an age that is fixed for particular animals (as usually 7 for horses, 3 or 4 for cattle, 2 for swine, 1 for sheep)
d. ˈājə̇d : well advanced toward reduction to base level — used of topographic features
2. ˈājd : having acquired a desirable quality or undergone an expected and desired change with the passage of time
aged wine
aged cheese
• ag·ed·ly ˈājə̇dlē, -li adverb