ˈȯlwēz, ˈȯu̇w-, -wə̇z, -(ˌ)wāz, before some consonants sometimes -_wə̇s adverb
Etymology: Middle English alweyes, alwayes, alteration (influenced by -es -s) of alwey, alway, from Old English ealne weg, literally, all the way, from ealne (accusative of eal, æl, al all) + weg (accusative) way — more at all , way
1. : on every occasion : at all times : invariably , constantly
medieval spelling was always flexible — R.D.Altick
2. : throughout all time : forever , perpetually
the cult of the superman will … always be with us — J.C.Wyllie
a. : in every circumstance or contingency : without exception
an observed regularity will always hold — Edgar Zilsel
b. : at any rate : in any event : anyhow
as a last resort one can always work