Meaning of ARSACID in English

I. ärˈsasə̇d, ˈärsəs- noun

( plural arsacids -dz ; or arsacidae ärˈsasəˌdē ; or arsac·ides ärˈsasə̇dz; ˈärsəsə̇dz, -ˌsīdz)

Usage: usually capitalized

Etymology: Latin Arsacides, from Arsaces I fl ab 250 B.C. king of Parthia, founder of the dynasty (from Greek Arsakēs ) + Latin -ides (patronymic suffix) — more at -idae

: a member of a dynasty of Parthian rulers established in revolt against the Seleucids about 250 B.C. and overthrown by the Persian Sassanids A.D. 226

II. (ˈ)är|sasə̇d, ˈärsəs- adjective

Usage: usually capitalized

: of or relating to the empire of the Arsacids

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