I. ˈa(a)(ə)rˌshi(ə)r, ˈe(ə)r-; ˈa(a)əˌshiə(r, ˈeəˌ-; also -_shə(r); sometimes by r- dissimilation ˈaˌshi(ə)r or ˈaaˌ- or ˈaiˌ- adjective
or ayr ˈa(a)(ə)r, ˈe(ə)r, ˈa(a)ə
Usage: usually capitalized
Etymology: from Ayrshire or Ayr, county in Scotland
: of or from the county of Ayr, Scotland : of the kind or style prevalent in the county of Ayr
II. noun
( -s )
Usage: usually capitalized
: an animal of a breed of hardy dairy cattle that originated in Ayr, that vary in color from white to red or brown, and that are especially adapted to market milk production