I. intransitive verb
1. : to let steam escape through a passage provided for the purpose
the engine is blowing off
2. slang
a. : complain , gripe
always blowing off about his superiors
b. : to speak earnestly and forthrightly
transitive verb
a. : to empty (a boiler) of water through the blowoff pipe while under steam pressure
b. : to eject (steam, water, or sediment) from a boiler
2. : to relieve (as emotional tension) by vigorous speech or action
all the repressed eagerness of his young years must now be blown off — Donn Byrne
having blown off his indigestion
3. : to clean (a dusty place) with an air blast
all looms are blown off three times each week — Textiles Industries
- blow off steam
II. transitive verb
1. : to refuse to take notice of, honor, or deal with : ignore
decided to blow off two billion viewers — Harry Homburg
2. : to fail to attend or show up for
blew off an official dinner